Flanking Strike Macro Sod in WoW Classic

Introduction to Hunter Macros

flanking strike macro sod in the WoW hunters are commonly recognized for reactionary strategies and substantial hurt fulfillment in World of Warcraft Classic. Hunter gameplay should be optimized with macros mainly used on abilities such as flanking strike macro sod; and Raptor Strike. This detailed instruction will focus on macros that will make your Hunter character as strong as possible in the PvE and PvP modes.

Understanding Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike

Flanking Strike

Flanking Strike is a powerful ability that combines both melee and pet attacks. It is essential for maximizing damage output, particularly in situations where you need to burst down enemies quickly. Proper utilization of the Flanking Strike can significantly impact your overall DPS and efficiency in combat.

Raptor Strike

Raptor Strike is one of the melee abilities that has a high damage output among all the abilities of the Blood Knight class. While it does have a rather high focus cost, it is nevertheless a very versatile power for Hunter to have, especially when it comes to close-range targets. Raptor Strike needs to be perfectly applied, along with the use of appropriate macros if high damage throughput is to be constantly achieved.

Essential Macros for Hunters

Basic Flanking Strike Macro

This macro ensures that you use Flanking Strike whenever it is off cooldown, enhancing your damage efficiency.

Advanced Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike Macro

For a more advanced approach, this macro combines Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike, allowing you to seamlessly switch between the two abilities based on availability.

Pet Control and Attack Macro

Efficient pet management is crucial for Hunters. This macro allows you to command your pet to attack your target while simultaneously using a Flanking Strike.

Focus Target Macro

Managing focus targets is vital in both PvE and PvP. This macro enables you to use Flanking Strike on your focus target while maintaining your primary target.

Recommended Add-Ons

To further enhance your macro usage, we recommend the following add-ons:

  • WeakAuras: Allows for detailed tracking of ability cooldowns and buffs.
  • Macro Toolkit: Expands the macro interface, providing advanced options and extended functionality.
  • Bartender4: Offers extensive customization of your action bars, making it easier to organize and access your macros.

Creating a Macro Diagram

To visualize the sequence and structure of your macros, a diagram can be incredibly useful. Below is a diagram using Mermaid syntax to illustrate a basic Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike macro sequence.

Tips for Effective Macro Usage

  • Customization: Tailor your macros to fit your playstyle and specific needs. Experiment with different sequences and conditions to find what works best for you.
  • Practice: Spend time practicing with your macros in various scenarios. Familiarity with your macros will lead to smoother and more efficient gameplay.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on patch notes and community forums for any changes to abilities or new macro techniques.


This post – for World of Warcraft Classic – covers how to properly execute Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike macros to take your Hunter to the next level. Applying the macros and tips mentioned in this guide will surely take you further up and over your enemies and help you get the best performance. However, be sure to keep improving the macros and evolving as issues crop up from time to time. Happy hunting!


1. What is the best Flanking Strike macro for SoD PvP?

A macro that combines Flanking Strike with pet attack is highly effective for PvP.

2. Can I find Flanking Strike macro discussions on Reddit?

Yes, Reddit has several threads discussing Flanking Strike macros in the SoD context.

3. How can I combine Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike in a single macro?

Use a cast sequence macro to alternate between Flanking Strike and Raptor Strike.

4. What is a SoD Hunter macro for Flanking Strike?

A simple macro is /cast Flanking Strike combined with /petattack.

5. How do I create a Flanking Strike stop attack macro?

Include /stopattack in your Flanking Strike macro to halt auto-attacks.

6. What is a Raptor Strike auto attack macro?

Use /cast Raptor Strike followed by /startattack to ensure continuous auto-attacking.

7. How do I create a Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite macro?

Combine them in a cast sequence: /castsequence reset=5 Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite.

8. Is there a single button macro for SoD Hunters?

Yes, you can create a one-button macro that sequences through your essential abilities.

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